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Hi! Is this still being worked on?


As far as I can tell it is, though the author is graduating/just graduated, so she's been a little busy. She's also working on 2 other IFs right now as well

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Oh lawd, mom and dad are cultists aren't they? I need more.


Who are my love interests? Everyone except the parents? I haven't played it yet.


Hey, is this still being worked on?


This such a sweet and wholesome demo!!

I really can't wait for more ❤️ 😭 the parents are such angels ..and my MC is gonna lose them....that's-


thanks sm for reading! you'll get more in about a month or so<3

...mcs parents are uh totally angels that would never do anything wrong(i am lying)

Ohhhhh bloody hell....things are starting to get interesting here 😮 ✨

Mother and father, what are you hiding???

Yeah from your character description of the parents they seem kinda like huge dicks lol this was a great read tho well done ♥️😇


Hiii I dont want to ramble for to long but this IF is already so lovely to start as soon as I saw it was gonna be a sorta found family type and in the ol west I was hooked - One thing I already need to comment on (to hopefully be added for future developments but of course no rush <33) is font size options I could already tell my eyes were gonna strain reading this and I want to digest all your beautiful words in the next chapter without it!!


hi!! im currently working on changing the whole look of the demo so ill make sure ill add font size options. When i update with chapter one the new look/font size should be apart of it. Thank you so much for the kind words<3


Aahh I'm so excited already <3


the story is really good so far keep it up :)


looking forward to reading more!